
Our group strives to open up the world of living history to everyone. We aim to portray all aspects of life in the Regiment, not just the rank and file. We welcome camp followers, traders, surgeons… any one who would like to take part in living history! We also welcome people interested in researching and re-creating the period. Our creative contacts produce high quality reproductions of the clothing, uniforms and equipment of the Napoleonic era.
At our events you can experience dramatic gun firing exhibitions, military marching and drill displays, either as a single regiment or part of a much larger battalion. We camp under canvas, cook over an open fire and march to the beat of our very own fife and drum. We are frequently invited to living history events and large scale battle re-enactments both in the UK and abroad.
The original 32nd regiment achieved great triumphs and suffered great loss, but is not among the most famous of the regiments who took part in the Napoleonic Wars – something we hope to change. We try and recreate the regiment as it was between 1808 and 1815 by showing both the social life in camp and the military life in battle. We have come together through many different interests; from military history, Regency life-style, model-making to historic firearms. All are determined to have fun recreating the noblest period of English history.
So, if you would like to enjoy a friendly, easy-going and flexible, yet determined re-enactment group in the South West with a busy calendar of social and historical gatherings… Take the King’s Shilling and sign up for the 32nd! (Pasties included)

They Stood, They Fought, They Died, They Won, They Are Remembered
32nd Cornwall Regiment of Foot